BioMat Blogs

Is there a link between autism and pollution?

Postoji li veza između autizma i zagađenja?

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Is it time for a “stress intervention”?

Da li je vrijeme za “stresnu intervenciju”?

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Six quick ways to boost your energy in the morning
Health & Wellness

Šest brzih načina da pojačate svoju energiju ujutro

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Can you relieve heartburn without meds?

Možete li ublažiti žgaravicu bez lijekova?

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Fibromyalgia: the mysterious disease that targets women
BioMat Benefits

Fibromijalgija: misteriozna bolest koja cilja žene

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Give yourself (and the planet) a gift this Earth Day

Poklonite sebi (i planeti) ovaj Dan planete Zemlje

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Better health, longer life for your AND your pet
BioMat Benefits

Bolje zdravlje, duži život za Vašeg I Vašeg ljubimca

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Heavy consequences for heavy metal pollution
Health & Wellness

Teške posljedice za zagađenje teškim metalima

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The “Shocking” Truth About Cellular Health – Heat Shock Protein

“Šokantna” istina o ćelijskom zdravlju – protein toplotnog šoka

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Energy Healing - Looking beyond the physical realm for complete health

Energetsko iscjeljivanje - Pogled izvan fizičkog područja za potpuno zdravlje

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Far Infrared Ray Technologies Stimulate Permanent Weight Loss

Tehnologije dalekog infracrvenog zračenja stimulišu trajno mršavljenje

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Healthy, glowing skin in time for spring
Health & Wellness

Zdrava, blistava koža na vrijeme za proljeće

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