BioMat Blogs

Is there a link between autism and pollution?

Er der en sammenhæng mellem autisme og forurening?

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Is it time for a “stress intervention”?

Er det tid til en "stress-intervention"?

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Six quick ways to boost your energy in the morning
Health & Wellness

Seks hurtige måder at booste din energi om morgenen

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Can you relieve heartburn without meds?

Kan du lindre halsbrand uden medicin?

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Fibromyalgia: the mysterious disease that targets women
BioMat Benefits

Fibromyalgi: den mystiske sygdom, der rammer kvinder

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Give yourself (and the planet) a gift this Earth Day

Giv dig selv (og planeten) en gave denne Jordens dag

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Better health, longer life for your AND your pet
BioMat Benefits

Bedre sundhed, længere levetid for dit OG dit kæledyr

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Heavy consequences for heavy metal pollution
Health & Wellness

Tunge konsekvenser for tungmetalforurening

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The “Shocking” Truth About Cellular Health – Heat Shock Protein

Den "chokerende" sandhed om cellulær sundhed - varmechokprotein

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Energy Healing - Looking beyond the physical realm for complete health

Energihealing - Ser ud over det fysiske område for fuldstændig sundhed

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Far Infrared Ray Technologies Stimulate Permanent Weight Loss

Far Infrared Ray-teknologier stimulerer permanent vægttab

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Healthy, glowing skin in time for spring
Health & Wellness

Sund, glødende hud i tide til foråret

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